Saturday, June 30, 2012

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Enesco, LLC Completes Refinancing of its Senior Debt Facility with JPMorgan Chase; Agreement Will Provide Liquidity to Fuel Growth

ITASCA, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Thomas G. Bowles, CEO of Enesco, LLC (Enesco), the leading global designer, producer and marketer of branded giftware, home decor and plush toys, announced the completion of a new $82 million senior bank facility led by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. This new facility, made possible by Enesco's strong financial performance in 2011 and 2012 year-to-date, will provide the company with more working capital flexibility and the liquidity to fuel future growth.

?Given the company's recent accomplishments, the timing was right to refinance?

"Given the company's recent accomplishments, the timing was right to refinance," Bowles said. "We are delighted with the financial flexibility this gives the company."

"The new credit facility is a tangible recognition of the progress made by our entire Enesco team and the success of the individual brands," Bowles continued. "This will allow the company to focus on growing the business, implementing our aggressive go-to-market strategies and leveraging opportunities in the marketplace."

Enesco is majority owned by Tinicum Capital Partners II, L.P., a private investment partnership based in New York. Tinicum Capital Partners has committed intensive financial and strategic resources to the business over the past five years.

"We have worked closely with the management team over the past several years, providing operational and strategic guidance," said Bob Kelly, a partner at Tinicum. "By building a strong team, creating market right, innovative products and nurturing the companies great brands, all the while controlling expenses, reducing inventories, enhancing margins and now adding this new credit facility, the company is on a solid footing for substantial future growth."

About Enesco

Enesco, LLC is a global leader in the giftware and home and garden d?cor industries serving more than 30,000 customers worldwide. Enesco's products include some of the world's most recognizable brands in its trading space including: Department 56 Villages, Gund Teddy Bears, Jim Shore's Disney Traditions, The Grinch, Disney, Peanuts, Dr. Seuss, Snowbabies, Possible Dreams, Sesame Street, Boyd's Bears, Ugly Dolls and many others. Enesco distributes its products to a wide variety of specialty card and gift retailers, home d?cor boutiques, department stores, as well as large national chains and direct mail retailers. For more information, visit


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Friday, June 29, 2012

Dr. John Ebersole: Why Does College Cost So Much?

Between 1997-2007, home prices increased by nearly 70 percent. In that same period, college costs grew even more rapidly, by over 80 percent. As a result, average student loan debt has grown to over $25,000. The total amount owed exceeds our country's collective credit card debt. What is going on?

There is neither a single nor a simple reason for the exploding cost of college. Quality higher education has always been relatively expensive. In fact, it is often more costly to deliver than what is paid by tuition. Research, philanthropy, and, for public institutions, tax dollars make up the difference. However, cash-strapped states are now reducing their support to either meet other needs or to just balance their budgets. As a result, students and their parents are having to pay more -- much more in many cases -- to cover the formerly subsidized costs of instruction. But this shift in support, from tax payers to students, doesn't tell the full story. Tuition and fees are growing at private institutions, as well.

Little noticed is the fact that an increasing number of new federal, state, college system and accreditor requirements are being imposed upon institutions of higher education. According to the American Council on Education, over 150 new rules, regulations and requirements became effective after the 2008 reauthorization of the federal Higher Education Act. Some of the most onerous and costly of these went live in July of 2011.

An example is the U.S. Department of Education's so called "program integrity" rules and the DOE's willingness to withhold Title IV financial aid from students if host institutions do not comply with a growing list of federal requirements. These extend to requiring every institution that offers an online program to seek "authorization" from 54 separate jurisdictions, even if they have but a single student in one of these jurisdictions. While such "authorization" may allow the institutions to cross a state line for purposes of Internet-delivered instruction, it does not permit them to recruit, advertise, meet, or be "physically present." Those actions require a separate process of "registration." In some states, this process requires the review of hundreds, if not thousands, of documents, fees that can run over $100,000, a site visit, and can take over a year to complete. These rules apply to all, public and private, for profit and non-profit institutions. Between fees (which are increasing as several states seek new income), labor and specialized expertise, the cost of compliance for all institutions has risen to an estimated $500,000,000, all of which can be expected to be passed on in future tuition increases. The alternative is for students to lose their eligibility for Pell Grants and Stafford loans.

Other requirements include the submission of all proposed certificate programs to the Secretary of Education for approval; requiring instruction to be measured by clock hours or "seat time" (imagine doing this online); filing reports on campus crime and student alcohol use when there is no physical campus; and so forth. When combined with other new state and local regulations, institutions have been required to hire additional administrators and compliance officers to ensure that they are not in violation of these various rules.

While federal courts have recently ruled against the Department of Education in regard to some elements of these rules, the "genie" is nonetheless "out-of-the-bottle." Nothing in either the initial or appellate rulings limit states from persisting in their various requirements, nor from issuing "cease and desist orders" to those who fail to comply.

College leaders do need to do a better job of reducing the expense associated with going to college. Passing the costs of lost subsidies or budget increases along to students in the form of higher tuition and fees is not sustainable. Yet, these leaders are going to need help from the politicians, law makers, and bureaucrats who have failed to see the connection between over-regulation and the rising cost of higher education. Informed analysis suggests that most of the new federal regulations have been imposed as a result of the actions of very few. However, rather than employing existent powers to deal with such miscreants, ideologues within the administration have elected to proceed down the regulatory path in search of evil for-profit institutions while, ala Dick Cheney, spraying all of higher education with their "bird shot."


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States divergent in plans for health care ruling

CHICAGO (AP) ? As the nation awaits the Supreme Court ruling on President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, states across the country are considering how they will respond to the historic decision. Some Democratic-led states vow to push ahead with various provisions no matter what happens. In some Republican territories, elected officials insist they will try to hold off on implementing the law, even if the court upholds it. And most states are bound to miss key deadlines if the law or even pieces of it survive.



One contingent of states plans to stay the course regardless of the high court ruling.

Oregon's Legislature voted in 2009, a year before Obama's overhaul was approved, to create an online state health insurance exchange. If the court strikes down only the federal requirement that almost everyone obtain health insurance, the state's exchange director Rocky King says he still can build a profitable exchange to launch in 2014.

"We assume we can go forward," King said. "It may make a difference in terms of the number of people we can enroll, but we think the exchange has value with or without the mandate."

If the court strikes down the entire health care law, however, the exchange would lose more than $60 million in federal grants and thousands of potential customers. In that scenario, state officials would have to wait for cues from the Obama administration and for Congress to decide a path forward, King said.

California has been a model for the federal health care overhaul since the law's passage and has begun implementing parts of it already, including the beginnings of health care exchanges. The state also has banned insurers from refusing coverage for children with pre-existing illnesses and allowed young adults to stay on their parents' plans through age 26.

California passed its own state legislation to ensure those measures are preserved even if the federal law is thrown out. But that doesn't mean the state is unaffected by Thursday's ruling. As one of the law's biggest financial beneficiaries, it stands to gain as much as $15 billion annually in federal money for health programs.

Hawaii also has been moving full speed ahead and joined several states last year in filing a friend-of-the-court brief in support of the new law.

"Our goal is universal health coverage here," said Beth Giesting, who was hired as a coordinator to implement the overhaul's changes in Hawaii.

In Massachusetts, which laid the groundwork for the federal health care law with a sweeping 2006 state program, officials say they will continue efforts to expand coverage to nearly all residents no matter what. But like California, the state could lose hundreds of millions in assistance if the federal law is knocked down.

"Even in a worst-case scenario of the health care law being struck down entirely, Massachusetts is going to forge ahead," said Glen Shor, executive director of the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority.



On the other side are Republican leaders who vow that no matter how the Supreme Court rules, they will not act on the overhaul before November, when they hope the GOP can win back the White House and the Senate and repeal the law.

Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said this week that only in the event of a GOP defeat would Wisconsin "figure out some alternative within the state."

Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin, a health care advocacy group that supports the law and expanding health insurance coverage, said the governor is "on the far end of the spectrum in terms of trying to block the law and doing nothing to prepare for it."

But Walker is not alone.

Lawmakers in Idaho, where about 19 percent of residents are uninsured, were the first in the nation to pass a law in 2010 requiring the state to sue the federal government over the overhaul. Last year, they toyed with the idea of nullifying the health care law and have taken no steps toward implementation since. Now they're banking on the Supreme Court turning down the measure or a future repeal.

South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard, Florida Gov. Rick Scott and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley have said they too will wait until November to before acting on any surviving parts of the law.



Millions of people already have received new benefits under the law. But those could disappear it is struck down, and many states are trying to figure out what to do if that happens.

Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton, a big supporter of the federal overhaul, extended Medicaid coverage last year to 84,000 vulnerable adults. But Dayton has said little publicly about the implications of the Supreme Court's ruling for Minnesota. That leaves many unanswered questions about the fate of the people Dayton switched to the joint federal-state Medicaid program from less generous state-funded programs.

A ruling against the law also would threaten other planned expansions, such as in Washington state, which received $128 million to help set up its insurance exchange and an additional $200 million for its preexisting-condition insurance pool. Officials are uncertain whether that money could stay with the state or would have to be returned.

In Michigan, the law has brought widespread benefits: More than half a million seniors have received some free preventive health care services this year. And 1.8 million residents now receive preventative services with no co-pay. Another 57,000 young adults in Michigan are on their parents' health insurance plans.

Last week, U.S. Health and Human Services director Kathleen Sebelius visited Detroit to announce grants for six Michigan health centers to help expand access to care under the law. Officials there aren't sure what they'll do if that money disappears.

Funding for North Dakota's 15 community health centers may be jeopardized, and three other planned centers might not be built if the federal law is overturned.



Most states have taken few ? if any ? steps toward creating the insurance exchanges that are a cornerstone of the health law. The online marketplaces would allow people and small businesses to comparison-shop for health insurance.

So if the court upholds the mandate to establish exchanges, many states will have to scramble to get their plans approved by January and the programs running a year later. As of March, only 13 states and Washington, D.C., had adopted plans for exchanges.

In Obama's home state of Illinois, Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn considered an executive order to establish an exchange, but state Rep. Frank Mautino said it's too late. The first year of the project will have to be a joint state-federal exchange, he said.

In Michigan, House Republicans have refused to let state officials start setting up the MI Health Marketplace before the Supreme Court ruling. Gov. Rick Snyder is one the few Republican leaders who has acknowledged considering a state-federal partnership to get an exchange in place.

"I'm just trying to be a pragmatist here," Snyder said Tuesday.

In Indiana, Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels ordered state agencies to investigate the cost and feasibility of an online health insurance marketplace in January 2011, but Daniels told the agencies to keep their work in the planning stages until the court ruled.


Associated Press writers Carla K. Johnson in Chicago; Scott Bauer in Madison, Wis.; John Miller in Boise, Ida.; Kathy Barks Hoffman in Lansing, Mich.; Tom LoBianco in Indianapolis; Shaya Mohajer in Los Angeles; Jonathan Cooper in Salem, Ore.; Oskar Garcia in Honolulu; Steve LeBlanc in Boston; Rachel La Corte in Olympia, Wash.; Martiga Lohn in St. Paul, Minn.; James MacPherson in Bismarck, N.D.; Chet Brokaw in Pierre, S.D.; Bill Kaczor in Tallahassee, Fla.; and Meg Kinnard in Columbia, S.C. contributed to this report.


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Phenomenome, Polymedco Ink Pact to Commercialize Mass Spec ...

Douglas Kell has been reappointed as chief executive and deputy chair of the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the Minister for Universities and Science David Willetts said this week.

Kell has held the top post at BBSRC since 2008, and before that he was director of the Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology. He also has served as director of research at the Institute of Biological Sciences at the University of Aberystwyth, and he was a founding director of Aber Instruments. His research has included a range of topics including systems biology, analytical chemistry, and biochemical and data modeling.

The Institute for Systems Biology has appointed Robert Lipshutz to be chief business officer and senior VP for strategic partnerships. Lipshutz spent nearly two decades at Affymetrix in various roles focusing on business development, licensing, diagnostics, and emerging markets, and most recently as senior VP for corporate development.

Verinata Health CEO Caren Mason has resigned but will continue to provide the company with consultative services. Mason joined Verinata in November 2010. She was previously the president and CEO of Quidel, president and CEO of MiraMedica, CEO of eMed Technologies, and general manager of GE Healthcare. The firm plans to recruit a new CEO.


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Boost Your Exercise With These Health and fitness Ideas | Buy ...


So many people are beneath the myth that when they are lean they can be in shape. There are many thin individuals who have high-cholesterol, high blood pressure levels and are truly, not as in shape as they believe they can be. There are some things that you should look at if you wish to know precisely how suit you truly are.

More compact muscle groups are usually less strong muscles meaning exercises that concentrate on them need to appear very first. Work with weights first to take full advantage of these muscle groups early on. Begin barbells and after that equipment. This will enable you to step up towards the larger sized, more powerful muscles along the way through your routine.

Ensure you are putting on proper clothes whenever you are hitting the gym. Maintain your apparel loosened and cozy to provide a complete range of flexibility. Nothing is worse than hitting the gym in an cozy fabric that can cause chaffing or some pants that constrain your actions.

Start out slow and utilize a buddy when performing higher-weight exercise routines. Pursuits like the counter hit and squatting can involve really hefty dumbbells that when decreased or chucked, can impact an imprudent inexperienced in relation to raising. A nightclub keeping 400 lbs attaining just about anywhere on your body aside from the forearms can be very, very distressing and may even cause harm.

A fantastic fitness tip is to ensure that you center on weight lifting with very good type. A great deal of rookie body weight lifters get transported apart with lifting large weight loads and they end up compromising their type. This will get you significantly injured. Raising with great type is crucial.

Finding out how to dancing is a terrific way to get more exercise to you. Dancers are considered to be a few of the fittest bodies in the world and this is not by coincidence. Belly dancing requires extraordinary central strength, in addition to, the vigor to acquire through a hard routine. Although you may should never be an experienced dancer, understanding how to dancing is an entertaining strategy to integrate health and fitness to your extra time, and also an exciting method to meet new people.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Supreme Court Year in Review

But it is a tax. The health care case didn't involve the Tax Injunction Act, but a similar statute, the Anti-Injunction Act, applicable to federal taxes (it forbids enjoining the assessment of such taxes, thus relegating the taxpayer to a suit for refund); the court held that Congress didn't intend that act to apply to the health care law. But it upheld the penalty for failing to buy health insurance on the sensible ground, similar to the approach taken under the Tax Injunction Act, that though they called it a penalty, it is functionally a tax rather than a fine or a fee.

I thought the court would uphold the "mandate" (that is, the requirement, backed up by the tax or penalty, of buying health insurance) on the basis of the Commerce Clause because it is obvious, or at least seemed and seems obvious to me, that the requirement is within Congress' power conferred by Article I of the Constitution to regulate interstate commerce, because respected conservative lower-court judges (Judges Silberman and Sutton) had voted to uphold the mandate, and because invalidating it, necessarily on (as it seemed to me) flimsy grounds, and by a 5-4 vote (the five conservatives versus the four liberals) during an election year, would look like taking sides in the campaign. It would give President Obama an opening to run against the Supreme Court. It would confirm the widespread opinion of the "Roberts Court" as being the conservative mirror image of the Warren Court. It would be bad for the court, and a chief justice is by virtue of his position the justice most concerned with the court's power and prestige as an institution. The other justices have a greater incentive than he to trade off the court's power and prestige against their own influence and prestige, which often can be enhanced by an oppositional posture.

The health industry is of course an interstate business; there is a continuous flow of health insurance payments, health insurance reimbursements, drugs, doctors, patients, donations to hospitals, research money, etc. across state boundaries. Congress' regulatory power under the Commerce Clause is not limited to direct control of an interstate transaction; it includes the regulation of activities that affect an interstate industry, with "activities" including inactivity. The public accommodations provisions of the Civil Right Act of 1964 were upheld on the basis of the commerce power, even though the provisions required hotels and other places of public accommodation to do something?namely serve black travelers?that they didn't want to do, to force them, in short, to engage in interstate commerce they didn't want to engage in. And so it is with requiring drivers to be licensed?they would prefer not to have to pay a license fee. Of course they can avoid the fee just by not driving, but tell Americans not to drive and you might as well tell them cut off their feet in order to escape sales tax on shoes.

The young people who refuse to buy health insurance because they don't expect to get sick and if they do go to emergency rooms?and are billed, but just try collecting!?are free riders, like draft dodgers. They increase health costs for the rest of us.

The chief justice, echoing Justice Scalia's "broccoli" comment at the oral argument, rejected (as did the four dissenters, and so that is now the view of a majority of the justices) the Commerce Clause ground for the mandate, saying that to accept that ground would mean that "Congress could address the diet problem by ordering everyone to buy vegetables." This argument, reassuring though it is to our obese population, confuses separate constitutional provisions. The Commerce Clause would empower Congress to order everyone to buy vegetables, because the market for most vegetables is interstate, but the "liberty" protected against the federal government by the Fifth Amendment would doubtless be interpreted to forbid such an imposition, just as it would be interpreted to forbid a federal law requiring everyone to be in bed with the lights out by 10 p.m. in order to economize on the use of electricity and, by doing so, reduce carbon emissions from electrical generating plants.

I am surprised, finally, by the lifelessness of the joint dissenting opinion.

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A Man's Guide to Moving Back in with His Parents?While ...

?I?m back???

Continuing to live with your parents after you turn 18, or moving back in with them after graduating college?isn?t that the antithesis of manliness?

That?s certainly how the regular spate of ?What?s the matter with the menz?? articles portray it. The fact that the number of 25-34-year-olds who are living with their parents has doubled since 1980 (it now sits at 22%), and that more men in that age group than women have moved back home (22% versus 18%), is often used as evidence that young men are willfully refusing to grow up these days, and have gladly traded their manly independence for a chance to play video games in mom and dad?s basement.

While there are definitely cases of 20 and 30-something men living at home in order to prolong their adolescence, to say all men in this situation are lazy moochers is to paint the picture with far too broad a brush. The reasons for the increase in the number of young men moving back in with their parents are much more nuanced and complex, and include both cultural and structural changes:

  • Higher education costs.?Back when your Baby Boomer parents were in college, a semester of school cost just a few hundred dollars, and it was easy to graduate with little to no debt. But since 1980, college tuition has increased between 1 1/2 and 2 times the inflation rate each year.?Today students can graduate $25-$100k in debt, double that if they go on to graduate school.
  • Dismal job market for young people.?Since the 1970s, real income has declined for young people, and the job market has gotten more competitive. The current recession only made things worse. The first decade of the 21st century constituted one of the toughest job markets for young people in recent history. Today just 54% of adults between the ages of 18-24 are employed. The recession also hit the paychecks of young people more than any other age group.
  • Increased education requirements. Fifty or sixty years ago, a man could get a decent paying job with just a high school education. Today?s job market typically requires candidates to not only have a college degree, but often an advanced degree as well. Because schooling is now both more expensive and lengthier, it?s taking young people longer to become financially independent.
  • Increased housing costs.?On average, your parents and grandparents probably spent only 1/3 of their income on housing. Today 1 in 4 Americans are spending more than half of their income putting a roof over their heads. With housing costs up and paychecks down, getting a place of their own has become much more difficult for those in their 20s.
  • Decreasing generational gap. The rift between Baby Boomers and their GI generation parents is the stuff of pop culture legend. Boomers and GI?s often had completely different tastes in music, dressing, and values. Boomers couldn?t wait to leave home, and their parents were glad to see them go. These days, many of the Millennial generation get along great with their parents and consider them friends. Parents and children listen to the same Jack Johnson songs and sit down to watch Boardwalk Empire together. And because many Boomer parents worked full-time when their kids were growing up, they aren?t sick of their offspring yet and like having more time to spend with them.

So suffice it to say the phenomena of young people moving back home is more complicated than ?Young men today are lazy and unmotivated.? And as we mentioned in our series on the history of the bachelor, far from being the recent anomaly the media has made it out to be, living with your parents well into your 20s was the norm for young men for much of history. It was in fact the post-WWII period, with its flush economic prosperity and robust governmental housing and educational subsidies which allowed young men to strike out and settle down early, that was the real aberration. It should also be noted that multi-generational households have long been, and continue to be, the norm in many other countries and cultures; the peculiar American fixation with having your own homestead is in many ways a function of our frontier history.

Now all of this isn?t to say that it?s always a good idea to move back in with your parents and that you should feel comfortable living with them indefinitely. Or that living on your own isn?t a very worthy goal. Rather, it is to point out that stigmatizing a young man?s decision to move back home as always unmanly is misguided. Like many things in life, if you do it for the wrong reasons, and you do it immaturely, it?s unmanly, while if you do it for the right reasons, and in the right way, it can be, if not overtly manly, at least dignified. What are those right reasons and behaviors? Read on.

Friendly Advice on Moving Back in with Your Parents

Have a good reason for moving back in.?This is numero uno in importance when figuring out if moving back in with your parents is the right decision for you. You should have a specific, sensible reason as to why you?re returning home (or haven?t yet left). Your reason shouldn?t be?vague?like ?I need time to get my life back together.? How do you know when you?ve gotten your life back together so you can move out? Vague goals lead to vague results. Most American parents don?t mind housing their adult children so long as it?s furthering an important life goal for them. If you?re trying to save money so you can go to school, great! If you?re trying to save money so you can backpack through Europe, not great.

Don?t let standard of living trump autonomy. Another of the reasons sociologists give for young adults returning to the nest in greater numbers is that today?s young people value lifestyle over autonomy. It was the opposite for young adults in previous generations; while young Baby Boomers and Gen Xers were willing to slum it for a few years if it meant living independently from mom and dad, today?s young person seems more willing to sacrifice privacy, freedom, and autonomy if it means they can still buy new clothes, own expensive consumer electronics, and eat out instead of subsisting on ramen noodles.

But I believe becoming a man still means seeking autonomy over creature comforts. So related to the point above, this means your reason for moving back home shouldn?t be to use the money you save on rent to maintain the lifestyle you grew up with. That?s a recipe for thwarting your journey to becoming a man; having to live frugally, budget, and make sacrifices helps you grow up. If you?ve got money for video games and drinking at the bar, you have money to live on your own.

If you can get by with a very modest lifestyle on your own, then do it. Only move home if it allows you trade less autonomy in the short-term for more autonomy in the long term. Live as frugally as you?d have to if you were on your own, and put the money you save on housing costs towards things like education, health insurance, starting a business, and staying out of/mitigating debt. Especially that last one; some say living with your parents isn?t manly, well, going into debt isn?t manly either! Going deeper into debt for pride?s sake isn?t manly, it?s just dumb. I lived with my in-laws for three years in law school ? the debt I incurred from tuition was large enough that it seemed foolish to add to it if other accommodations were available ? and I?m not ashamed I did it. The arrangement wasn?t ideal, but it set me up for greater autonomy; besides my house, I?m now entirely debt-free.

Treat returning home as a privilege.?In most states, as soon as you turn 18, your parents have no legal obligation to take care of you. Any support they give you after you?re 18 is a?privilege and gift. Show some gratitude and humility and don?t act like you?re entitled to room and board. You?re not.

Treat your stay as temporary and have an exit plan.?Before moving back in with your parents, establish a specific date when you?ll leave; you might even consider signing a contract with your parents to that effect. If you go in with an open-ended timeframe, you?ll never leave. Create a plan on how you?ll get the money and resources to move out by your established date, and share this plan with your parents.

Don?t fall into old habits.?It?s easy to revert back to familiar family roles when you return to your childhood home. You?ll want to be taken care of, and mom and dad (especially mom) will want to take care of you. Nip those habits in the bud as soon as you move home. If you want to feel like a grown man while still living with your parents, you need to do as much as you can for yourself. Do your own laundry, buy your own food, clean your own room, and take care of your own problems. Your mom shouldn?t have to leave a post-it note on the counter to remind you of your dentist appointment. If you notice your parents trying to do stuff for you that you?re capable of doing yourself, kindly but firmly say: ?I really appreciate your willingness to help me out on this, but I?d rather do it myself. I hope you understand.?

Redefine the relationship with parents from vertical to horizontal.?One thing you can do to avoid falling into old habits with your folks is sitting down with them before moving in and having a ?define the relationship? talk. For most of your life, your relationship with your parents has been vertical ? they stood atop the family?hierarchy, guiding, directing, and dictating how you lived your life.

Now that you?re an adult, your relationship to your parents needs to change to a horizontal one. Instead of engaging with your parents as a child, you need engage with them as fellow adults and on terms of mutual respect. Share your expectations and ask them what they expect from the new living arrangement and fight any urge to cry out ?That?s not fair!? If what your parents expect is different from what you want, then you?ll have to find another living arrangement.

Once you?re back in with your folks, maintain that horizontal relationship by taking an active role in the household. Don?t expect your parents to take care of you, and do what you can to proactively contribute to your family. Speaking of which?

Contribute to the household.?We?ve talked about it before. Men produce and boys consume. If you want to feel like a grown man, even while living with your folks, then actively contribute to your parents? household instead of passively consuming their resources like a leech. Understand that moving back in with your parents will have a financial impact on them. Discuss with them how you plan on contributing to the household and?mitigating some of the financial pressure.

If you can afford it, volunteer to pay at least a nominal rent. Not only will it help your parents offset the extra costs of having another person in the house, it will help instill some financial discipline in yourself. If your parents refuse the rent, you can still pay them a sum every month, so you get in the habit of doing so, and they can save the money to give to you when you move out to help you get on your feet.

Even if you can?t pay rent, there are lots of things you can do to contribute to the household: mow the lawn, clean the house, buy the groceries, cook dinner, run errands, etc. Take the?initiative?on this stuff. Don?t wait for your parents to ask you to do it. Oh, and you should still do those things even if you?re paying your parents rent, and you shouldn?t expect effusive praise. Think of yourself as a roommate in your parents? home. Just as you?d share chores and food costs with your apartment roomies, you should share them with your parents.

Don?t take advantage of the situation. Even though your folks are also unofficially your landlords, the fact that you?re their kid, and not just an impersonal tenant, puts them in a tough position; if you don?t follow the agreed upon rules, they?ll be loathe to call the cops to evict you and they can?t ground you anymore. This leaves them with little enforcement power, so they?ll be relying on your sense of integrity when it comes to following through with what you said you?d do. Keeping your word is good practice for mature manliness.

Respect your parents? views on conjugal visits.?If you have a significant other in your life, respect your parents? views on couples sleeping together before marriage and/or under their roof. You might think your parents? are old-fashioned and being unreasonable by not allowing your lady friend to share bunk beds with you, but again, it?s their house and they can set any sort of conditions they want. If you don?t like them, you?ll have to get busy somewhere else, perhaps in the backseat of your car; a few of these vehicular groping sessions may be just the thing to motivate you to get your own place.

Keep your parents abreast of your schedule out of courtesy.?You?re an adult now, so you?re under no obligation to let your parents know how you spend your time outside their home. But as a courtesy, let them know what your schedule looks like. It will help them plan out their week, and they?ll know where they can find you in case of an emergency. If you?re going to be out late, let them know so they don?t freak out when they hear someone rattling the front doorknob at 3 AM.

Think of yourself as a guest. If you?re not sure of what you should or shouldn?t do now that you?re living with your parents again, simply ask yourself: ?What would a guest do?? Always ask permission to use and eat things that aren?t yours, and do what you can to make your presence?interfere?as little as possible with your parents? regular routines.

Don?t live in limbo. Living with your parents may make you feel unsettled, leading you to put off getting your life together until it ?really starts.? But life is going on right now, bud. Whatever you need to work on personally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, educationally?get to it. Your 20s are a terrible thing to waste.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Travel the world: Ditch the 'staycation', refuel on a mini-break ...

Burnout is a very real problem for many young professionals and with many of us working increasingly long hours it's hardly surprising that people are starting to realise that leisure time is not just a luxury.

Times are tough, but although the global economy has still not yet risen from the ashes of recession, many see the benefits of time away from work, and want to make the most of their holiday-entitlement even whilst tightening the purse strings.

A holiday needn't break the bank, and with many low-cost airlines competing for your business with offers on cheap fight tickets, it's a great time to recharge those batteries on a mini-break.

Short breaks are the answer to many of our holiday dilemmas and for time conscious young professionals and families, a short break away from it all may be just what's needed before getting back to the business of 'real life'.

Time spent with loved ones and family is time well spent, and a week off at home, if you factor in going out for dinner, buying a coffee or snack, enjoying a movie or visiting attractions like the zoo or amusement parks, can work out almost as pricey as going away.

With affordable flights leaving daily to destinations across Europe a short holiday is not only easy to organise, it's also the perfect way of taking a break without eating into all your yearly holiday entitlement in one go.

Families with young children may want to consider a close sunshine destination, such as the Algarve, for a short break. Although ideal for a week or fortnight away, many people see Portugal as perfect mini-break material too.

Cheap flights to Faro are relatively inexpensive and with an average flight time of less than 3 hours in duration from UK shores, a short break of two to four days is more than achievable. Faro airport is the gateway to the Algarve and once there you'll find family-friendly resorts, great beaches and a range of accommodation options to suit every budget.

Alternatively couples may prefer to stay in Faro itself, a great city filled with unrivalled dining and sightseeing opportunities, or opt for a different destination all together. London, for example, is a popular weekend break haunt, not just for visitors from the UK and the Republic of Ireland, but with travellers from across Europe also.
Still buzzing from the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations and gearing up to the Olympics there's never been a more exciting time to visit the UK's famous capital city.

With many hotels and restaurants offering substantial price reductions, 2 for 1 offers and incentives, a holiday to London needn't cost the earth either. Plus with so many beautiful parks and gardens you can always pop to the supermarket and enjoy picnic lunches during your stay; the perfect way to save money.

There are various sights to check out such as the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and St. Paul's Cathedral, plus a wealth of art galleries and museums ? many of which are free to enter or which stipulate a small discretionary contribution.

With cheap flights to London leaving from all major UK airports, and Europe daily, booking and travelling has never been simpler and a ten minute internet search will uncover a world of affordable flights and travel opportunities.
Money is important, and whilst it's always wise to save our reserves when times are tough, it's also important to relax, refuel and look after our personal well-being, so next time you think about putting off your holiday, think again; getting away might just be a worthwhile investment.

Ditch the 'staycation', refuel on a mini-break from - Travel Directory

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Historic handshake: Queen meets ex-IRA chief

Paul Faith / Pool via AFP - Getty Images

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II shakes hands with Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness in Belfast on Wednesday.

By Sohel Uddin, NBC News

Thirty-five years ago, Queen Elizabeth's silver jubilee was greeted with graffiti declaring "Victory to the IRA, stuff the jubilee."

Wednesday marked a highly significant turnaround as the queen, in her diamond jubilee year, met and shook hands with a?onetime senior Irish Republican Army commander who once stood against everything she represented and even considered her a legitimate target.

As a British person and a journalist, I never thought I'd see this day.

This is because I grew up with Northern Ireland. What does this mean? It means watching with incredulity as the IRA targeted the British establishment, including a sitting a prime minister -- almost succeeding in assassinating her.

The "troubles," as they were diplomatically called, became part of everyday life. We watched clashes with soldiers on television. News of bombings was a constant drip-drip in the news. It was one of those things that as a boy and a young man, I thought would never end.?

So the meeting with Martin McGuinness, the first between the queen and a senior member of the IRA or its political wing Sinn Fein, is a landmark in the peace process 14 years after the militant group ended its 30-year campaign against British rule.

Photos: Queen Elizabeth II begins her 20th trip to Northern Ireland

On Tuesday, she held a private meeting with relatives of the 11 people killed in a 1987 bombing in Enniskillen, an?attack that sparked a wave of revulsion against the IRA and helped convince its leadership to engage in the peace process.

3,500 killed
Belfast's Lyric theater, the venue of the historic handshake, has probably never felt so much attention during a performance as it did during the get-together between the British monarchy and Sinn Fein.?

Few will know what the queen was thinking. But surely it was a difficult event for her, and not just because of the more than 3,500 killed in the conflict, 1,800 of whom were innocent civilians, according to The Guardian.

It is doubtless especially poignant for her because her cousin, Lord Mountbatten, was killed in 1979 when the IRA?blew up his boat in Southern Ireland.?He was the man who many believe was responsible for the queen's marriage to Prince Philip, and was a guiding influence to the heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles.

The countless threats her family has lived with must have contributed to a feeling of unease ahead of the meeting. But the queen's real thoughts will probably never be known, nor will her reaction when she was advised to perform this duty.

'It will be difficult': Queen meets IRA victims before landmark handshake

And it wasn't only the queen who was taking a chance -- it came at a cost for McGuinness too. He was being branded a traitor, with a lot of republicans saying that he has sold out and betrayed the principles they stand for.

Republicans protested against Wednesday's meeting, and McGuinness' decision could hurt his political ambitions.

British reaction on a political level has by and large been supportive, despite the bitterness and painful memories of the past.

Norman Tebbit, a former Conservative Party Chairman and a survivor of a deadly bombing in the seaside city of Brighton that targeted Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, saw it as a victory over the IRA.

Before Wednesday's event, Tebbit wrote in?The Telegraph?that the meeting would be a victory for the queen, the monarchy and Great Britain:?

"I am glad that Mr McGuinness appears to have now accepted on behalf of IRA/Sinn Fein the sovereignty of Her Majesty over Northern Ireland, and I hope that this is a step towards a public recompense and confession of his regret for the violence unleashed by them in his name."

While the meeting does not mark the end of tensions in Northern Ireland, it draws a line under a conflict that cost the lives of thousands and beset the queen for half of her reign.

More world news from and NBC News:

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Facebook draws user ire with email switcheroo

FILE- In this Thursday, July 16, 2009, file photo, a Facebook user logs into their account in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In yet another change that irked users, Facebook has replaced the email address you picked to display on your profile page when you signed up for the online social network with an (at) address. Previously, users may have had a or address displayed, so that if people wanted to contact them outside of Facebook, they could. Sending an email to a address will land the email in the messages section of your Facebook profile. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Sean Kilpatrick)

FILE- In this Thursday, July 16, 2009, file photo, a Facebook user logs into their account in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In yet another change that irked users, Facebook has replaced the email address you picked to display on your profile page when you signed up for the online social network with an (at) address. Previously, users may have had a or address displayed, so that if people wanted to contact them outside of Facebook, they could. Sending an email to a address will land the email in the messages section of your Facebook profile. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Sean Kilpatrick)

(AP) ? In yet another change that upset users, Facebook has replaced the email addresses users chose to display on their profile pages with (at) addresses.

Previously, users may have displayed their personal or address to let people know how to contact them outside of Facebook. Now, Facebook has hidden those addresses and put a Facebook email listing in its place.

The changes raised users' suspicions. By hiding other email addresses Facebook can keep its already-captive audience even more captive. Sending an email to a address will land the email in the messages section of a user's Facebook profile. The more people use Facebook to communicate, the more the company can target ads based on the conversations they have on its platform ?just as Google targets ads to Gmail users based on text in their emails.

"They've got an email service that no one is using," said Forrester analyst Nate Elliott. Getting people to send emails to and from Facebook deepens people's connection to the site, he added. "This is a way of encouraging use ? it's just a rather crude way."

The email change was first pointed out by bloggers over the weekend and publicized by media outlets Monday. The exposure led to gripes from users, mostly on their Facebook pages and on Twitter.

Users who are bothered by the change can reset their profile. Facebook didn't delete the previously displayed email addresses. So, to revert back to the original address, click on the "about" section of your profile. Once there, look for "Contact Info" and click on the edit icon on its right hand corner. There, you can change who can see your email address and which email addresses they can see.

The email address allows users to communicate with outside email addresses via Facebook, but it's unclear how many people use the feature. Popular as it has been with more than 900 million monthly users, Facebook messages and posts have not replaced email, texting and other forms of communication.

The company gave its users email addresses back in 2010, but only in the last few months has it begun to display them on people's profiles. In an announcement that went largely unnoticed, it said in April that it was "updating addresses on Facebook to make them more consistent" across the site.

To Facebook consistency meant switching everyone to a address. Over the weekend, Facebook added a feature that lets users change what contact information is displayed on their Timeline directly from the Timeline ? without having to go into their account settings. In rolling out this change, the company defaulted everyone's displayed address to

"Ever since the launch of Timeline, people have had the ability to control what posts they want to show or hide on their own timelines, and today we're extending that to other information they post, starting with the Facebook address," Facebook spokeswoman Jillian Stefanki said in an email late Monday.

Menlo Park, Calif.-based Facebook is well known for making changes to its website that occasionally irritate users. Some users are still holding off on switching their old profile pages to the Timeline, which lists users' shared life events, updates and photos in chronological order, dating back to their birth. In 2006, there was a big uproar over a now-central feature of Facebook, the news feed that tells people what their friends are doing.


Associated Press Writer Andrew Dalton in Los Angeles contributed to this story.

Associated Press

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jenny McCarthy Playboy Cover: Revealed!

Some things really do get better with age.

Just months away from turning 40, and 19 years after she got naked in Playboy for the first time, Jenny McCarthy is back in the men's magazine.

And she's still got it.

The model / actress' fourth nude pictorial hits newsstands this Friday in the July / August issue. Check out the just-released cover photo of Jenny McCarthy in Playboy:

Jenny McCarthy Nude

"I'm really proud of it," McCarthy told People of the pictorial.

"The pictures are really gorgeous and classy. They really could be out of W magazine."

"They're just really elegant photos. It's probably a lot more sophisticated than a lot of the stuff you'd see of people with their clothes on."

"The one thing I like about Playboy is they don't have the anorexic look. The women are voluptuous. So I didn't really want to diet. I just wanted to tone up."

Mission accomplished, we'd have to say. Models everywhere need to take a cue from this (and Kate Upton pictures) and do what comes naturally: Eat.

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Is Obama's Foreign Policy More Like Carter's or Bush Sr.'s?

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Chinese Crew Completes Manual Docking With Orbiting Module

A few days back, the crew of the Shenzhou 9 were along for the ride as their craft docked to ? or rather, was docked to ? an orbiting module. On Sunday, the docking procedure was repeated, but under the direction of the Chinese astronauts themselves rather than controllers on the ground.

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User:Lrsuzba - Transmaker

From Transmaker

SMS is quick for Short Communication Program, and it is this support provided by cellular phone insurers that permits end users to send sms messages with other cellphone customers. Taletid text messaging or maybe texts has exploded since the primary swiftest growing sales and marketing communications tendency globally. In excess of 3.Some billion people or perhaps concerning 74% in the the planet's cellular phone customers mail and receive sms messages. That's why it's really no amaze that lots of providers have got popped up on the web giving cost-free SMS on-line.

What are these facilities offering totally free Text message on the web?

These services are comparable to instant messaging companies. You develop a free account, log-in for the bill, as well as send out messages. But instead of your beneficiary having your directed emails over a computer system, they will obtain the item for their cell phone. Your self on another side, tend to be transmitting the material having a computer system.

Why is it cost-free?

What makes other considerations online for free? Probably the builders are responsible for by means of advertising and marketing, or possibly they are getting plenty of by way of donations, most likely they've got a revenue-sharing arrangement together with the cellphone providers they will support, and the inventors are simply just plain philanthropists. Sure, it could possibly take place. The web ingredient the field of free, freeware, and also shareware packages.

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Aside from applying? Virtually no. You may need to present your own phone amount if you want your bank account associated with the phone so that it could acquire communications sent to your account every time you happen to be off-line. Although otherwise, there is nothing in addition expected. Unless you would like to provide the phone variety or maybe altogether cell phone, you can easily occurs current email address to sign-up as well as use a forex account.

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Some on-line texting services also provide cost-free mail along with no cost MMS forwarding. There are also a number of services that will flawlessly purpose each as a possible online texting program along with an instant messaging assistance letting you interact with your buddies using different im solutions for instance Skype, GoogleTalk, and also Aol Messenger.

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Probably none. You won't actually need the by using a bank card for you to sign-up for some of those providers. Even so, you'll want to understand meticulously his or her words as many on the net text messaging purchaser expenses individuals if he or she answer your own mail messages.

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Look at service's online privacy policy along with other disclaimers. Safe, work with providers through dependable websites or perhaps firms like darmowe smsy do wszystkich. Try to discover the maximum amount of information as possible before using a particular program or even signing-up over a particular web page.

My mate claims he/she by no means received my personal information, what's up with that?

The actual vendors are certainly not guaranteeing that each and every communication sent are going to be received. Should you have just about any problems mailing information, you need to one on one those to the particular worried cellular insurers since the problems can be transpiring on their own conclude.

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Written text into a cellphone means that you can send the Text messages message through your mobile, then reconstructed as tone of voice if your radio pick up his or her home mobile phone upon the idea wedding rings. While another person accumulates the residential device, the written text meaning that had been sent will likely be read and might answer back back using one of possible replies. When the human being will not reply the unit, next the home words text message would go to message. To written text with a phone may be hassle-free as you tend not to converse verbally. You'll be able to answer instantly by just conversing on the telephone to help exchange your current response. A new speech history of the response will likely be sent to the unique sender just as one Text message. In addition, your words information can even be forwarded to some others. A number of cellular companies give the text message to a cell phone function. More so, it requires you to sign up to your need to be capable of enjoy the function.

Textual content to a mobile phone will be the means to fix communication having a wifi telephone to deliver the Taletid to be able to home telephone.

This development associated with Text or even texts has gotten the planet to the crest connected with transmission technological know-how. The application of cell or maybe cellphones smoothens the right way to simple and easy primary conversation. The majority of the cellular phones now can mail information by having a textual content some sort of cellular phone or maybe landline devices. Text the mobile phone emails are principally a mobile letters which enable it to help you save wonderful time compared to a style call. Written text some sort of cellular telephone can be very practical regarding offerring limited issue or maybe pieces of info. Yet, a cautious move will be witnessed any time unveiling your current cell amount to help websites along with other products and services you really feel unlikely or maybe do not feel comfortable using might the cell phone will finish having unsolicited mail in addition to unwanted adverts from publishers.

Post any text a cellular phone from your computer system is perfectly cost-free! Nonetheless, you'll find system companies that fee the receiver for each and every information that they receive. Nevertheless, whenever you written text into a cellular phone from the cellular telephone with different providers it is the sender that may be paying.

It is a fact that today text messages has become a person's everyday regimen. To send a new textual content some sort of cell phone for a pals, co-workers as well as loved ones are a great strategy to communicate the swift meaning whenever a style call isn't fast or important. Most mobile phone service providers supply methods including bulk options and or fork out for each meaning strategies. If perhaps believe you might be a broad texter (one that sends sms) you save numerous by means of deciding the words prepare that fits your family needs, which include paying out a smaller more for just a Mobile Phones?: unlimited offer, that may save you bundle eventually. But when you happen to be periodic texter who textual content a mobile just couple of communications 30 days, then a pay-per-text message best suits you.

Cost-free Text message Written text

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Zach Galifianakis and Quinn Lundberg: Engaged!

Forget The Hangover. Zach Galifianakis will be celebrating his very own real-life bachelor party in the near future.

Celebuzz confirms that the funny actor is now engaged to Quinn Lundberg and that the couple has even sent out invitations already for a August 11 wedding.

Zach Galifianakis Image

"The wedding invite is very Zach," a source tells the site. "While it has the formal and standard details of who, what, when, where - including Zach's full name, Zachary Knight Galifianakis, and his fiancee's, Mary Quinn Lundberg - it is also very funny.

"Zach included a drawing of himself and his bride-to-be" on the invite. He made sure he looked like a little troll, while Quinn is a stunning tall blonde princess."

Lundberg is the co-founder of the charity Growing Voices and we wish this couple a bright, long, healthy future together!

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Mayor Cory Booker to the Rescue ? Again

The mayor of New Jersey's largest city again came upon a life-or-death emergency, but the hero was someone else.

Newark Mayor Cory Booker tweets that he was one of several people who helped stabilize a pedestrian hit by a car Friday. A spokeswoman says an Essex County detective who arrived first on the scene called 911, wiped blood from the face of the victim, poured water on his wounds and helped him lie still.

The spokeswoman says the mayor happened to pull up minutes later, alongside police and the ambulance that had been sent for.

Booker tweets that the driver also helped the victim.

In April, the 42-year-old Booker rushed into a burning home to save a woman, pushing aside his security detail who tried to hold him back.

? Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

?Something BIG is coming? next week to the Firefox for Android app

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Hamas threatens to escalate attacks on Israel

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Gaza's militant Hamas rulers threatened to escalate fighting with Israel on Saturday after airstrikes killed several gunmen in the coastal territory, and Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel wounded one person and damaged an elementary school in the country's south.

The two sides periodically clash, but this flare-up was the most serious in months. It started with an attack by a little known al-Qaida-inspired Palestinian militant group but has extended to drag in Hamas.

Hamas has largely stayed out of direct confrontation with Israel since a war more than three years ago although other factions have launched cross-border attacks.

Gaza militants fired over 30 rockets and mortar shells on Saturday alone, bringing the week's rocket tally to more than 150, according to the Israeli military.

Over a million people in southern Israel live in range of the rockets and the Israeli military has advised the residents to make sure they can get to a bomb shelter quickly.

An Egyptian official in Ramallah said that he is trying to broker a cease-fire between the Palestinian militant groups and Israel. He said he hoped calm would be restored by late Saturday. Egypt traditionally plays a mediating role between the sides.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because negotiations were ongoing. Israel had no immediate official comment on the Egyptian efforts, but Hamas official Ayman Taha said his group would cease fire if Israel does. Soon after Taher spoke more rockets fired from Gaza exploded in southern Israel. It was not clear which group fired them.

A previous cease-fire reached late Tuesday did not hold long.

Military Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz convened "an urgent meeting" to discuss ways of dealing with a week of persistent Palestinian attacks, a spokesman said, while Defense Minister Ehud Barak consulted with senior officials Saturday evening. There was no official statement afterward but the Israeli media reported that the decision was made "to meet fire with fire and quiet with quiet."

Israel's military said it carried out a series of airstrikes Saturday in response to the rockets. At least four militants were killed and over 20 Palestinians, both combatants and civilians, were injured, according to Gaza health official Ashraf Al Kedra.

Hamas' military wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, vowed to escalate the fighting.

"If the last rounds were not enough to deliver the message ... we are ready to crush the enemy and to curb its arrogance and to respond to aggression in a strong way," the group said in a statement released Saturday afternoon.

A few hours later an Israeli airstrike killed a Gaza militant riding a scooter. The Popular Resistance Committees, a Hamas-allied militant group that often fires rockets at Israel, said he was a member. Witnesses said the force of the explosion caused a wall of a nearby building to collapse, injuring several people. The Israeli military said they targeted the militant as he was preparing to launch rockets.

In an earlier attack the same day, an Israeli airstrike killed a Palestinian militant as he rode his motorcycle in Gaza. Several buildings used by Hamas, which rules the coastal territory, were also damaged.

The Israeli military said it hit "terror sites" and that it holds Hamas accountable for any attacks originating from the Gaza Strip.

Also, an Israeli was seriously wounded when a Gaza rocket smashed through a factory roof. Rockets from Gaza also hit a school in the Israeli border town of Sderot. The school was closed for the weekend so no one was hurt but the building was damaged. Several other Israelis were injured in Palestinian rocket attacks this past week.

"We have been enduring years of relentless Palestinian escalations and this is just one of them," said David Buskila, mayor of the Israeli border town Sderot where the school was hit. "We trust the Israeli military and government to restore calm," he said.

The spike in violence began Monday when two gunmen infiltrated into Israel along its border with Egypt's Sinai peninsula and killed an Israeli Arab construction worker who was part of a crew building a border security fence meant to avert such attacks. Later, a little known al-Qaida-inspired group, the Mujahedeen Shura Council of Jerusalem, claimed responsibility for the attack and identified the gunmen as an Egyptian and a Saudi.

Since then, Gaza gunmen have fired barrages of rockets and mortar rounds at Israel, wounding several Israelis and damaging apartment buildings. Israel has carried out airstrikes on militant targets that killed at least 12 Palestinians and wounded dozens so far.

Meanwhile, Gaza health official Ashraf Al Kedra said a boy was killed in a playground during an airstrike Saturday morning in Khan Younis. The Israeli military said it had not attacked that area.

Military spokeswoman Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich later called the allegation a "false rumor" and said that according to intelligence information, the boy was killed by "ordinance belonging to one of the terror groups." Palestinian rockets often misfire and explode inside Gaza.

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