Intel has been among the most critical tech companies in the U.S. that have consistently and strongly criticized the U.S. education system.
The company has immersed itself into the discussion by privately funding specific education branches, institutions and projects for more than a decade.
Craig Barrett, former chief executive offer and chairman of the board, has long led the charge to impact education and continues even after his retirement to change the existing education structure. Barrett, who stepped down from his career at Intel in 2009, was appointed chairman of the Arizona Ready Education Council.
During a recent discussion, Barrett discussed the recently implemented Common Core Standards for math and English, which he described as "the biggest transformation of K-12 education" in Arizona history. The approach is based on an international benchmark system to find out how U.S. kids have to perform to be competitive and integrate those findings in the curriculum. According to Barrett, U.S. kids are "kind of mediocre in reading, [and] below average in mathematics and science."
Barrett also believes that a portion of salary increases for teachers needs to be performance-based. To accomplish that he suggested a performance monitoring system that tracks kids and how their performance increases over a certain period.
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